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Ultrafiltration - Benefits and resilience in water treatment systems

Carlos A. Chávez Carrera
Position: Indirect Channels Manager in Latin America
Company: SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions.
Carlos Chávez has a degree in Chemical Engineering. His first experience in water treatment was in Ondeo Degrémont, Mexico as Service Engineer in 2003. After 17 years of continuous experience in water treatment, occupying different commercial positions for other companies, he returns to SUEZ group as Manager of Indirect Channels and Product Sales for Latin America. In this position, he focuses on strengthening relationships with distributors and partner companies, supplying innovative SUEZ technology as a component of success in projects developed by these partners acting as EPC or OEM. This role requires constant dissemination and training to companies that are experts in their field and with the capacity for local action to achieve differentiation with the end customer.
With his extensive experience in membrane processes, he is developing the Ultrafiltration market in Latin America in its different uses: purification, pretreatment before reverse osmosis, and effluent reuse.