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Effluent treatment with MABR - Technology of the future
Language: Portuguese
How to optimize the operation of degasification water systems
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Company: Dupont
Position: MABR Commercial Manager
Daniel Toniolo is a mechanical engineer from UNESP and the University of Albstadt Sigmarigen
(Germany), with an MBA in new business from FGV. Commercial manager for the development of new markets and products for Latin America at Dupont since 2018. Specialist in the development of wastewater treatment uses and MABR since 2016.
Juliana Morganti
Company: Dupont
Position: Technical and Sales Representative for Brazil
Juliana Morganti has a degree in Chemistry from the Federal University of São Paulo in Brazil
and the University of Bangor in Wales. Juliana has been working with technologies for the water
industry since she joined the DuPont Water Solutions team in 2016. She works as a Technical
and Sales Representative for Brazil, projecting alternative systems and supporting the new
Ligasep technology for the South American region.
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