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Where are unused medications going?
Dr. Gustavo Sáenz García
Executive Director - Punto Seguro – Unusable MedicationsDr. Gustavo Sáenz García is a pharmacist with a Master's degree in Project Management and Neurolinguistic Programming. He has twenty years of experience in sales and marketing of pharmaceutical products and services and ten years of teaching experience. He began his professional career as a health visitor for the pharmaceutical companies Abbott and Pfizer in 2000. Between 2009 and 2015, he worked as Project Manager for the Colegio de Farmacéuticos de Costa Rica and the Universidad de Ciencias Médicas (UCIMED), later becoming Dean of the Pharmacy Department.
Currently, Dr. Saenz is a founding partner and Executive Director of the Punto Seguro Program - a post-consumption program for unusable medicines and its waste. The program was selected among the 500 best sustainability initiatives in the category of Water and Waste Management in 2019, among 2833 applications from 38 countries.